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회사소개 대표인사말 연혁 조직도
- About us - Director General - Histroy - Organization
항만개요 울산본항 온산항 미포항
- About port of ulsan - Ulsan main port - Onsan port - Mipo port
정박묘지 컨테이너서비스 울산신항개발
- Anchorage - Container servic - Ulsan new port project
항만 교통정보센터 배후산업시설
- Port trattic management service center - Hinteriand industries
항만시설사용료 선박대리점료
- A rental fee fo port facilities - Scales of minimum agency fees
도선요금 예선기본요금 통선사용료
- Pilotage - Basic rote towing - Onsan port
- Cargo securing(LASHING/SHORING)and hatch cleaning service
줄잡이요금 경비요금
- Line handling service charge - Watchmen service charge
오물수거요금 청수료
- Garbange removal service charge - Water suppiy charge
검수료 작업선료 국공일
- Tally charge - Work boat charge - Holidays
- Businesses
- Port administrations
- Customer center
- Contact us